Rural 4G Three Echo's, Two Hubitat's, 32 Wifi, 36 Zigbee Devices and a Cat

Home automation with a 4G Connection sounds a bit of an unlikely success story, but it works well here in rural New Zealand without a FIber connection.

The key here is to use a dedicated router for the WIFi and let the 4G modem do its thing unencumbered with having to manage 30 plus WiFi connections. This single change adds so much stability to our network.

18 Shelly WIfi Devices alone

We can stream GBBO from the Channel 4 in the UK and everything in the house works perfectly.

Hubitat are proud of their device being local and fast and it is.

We have written custom apps for our HVAC, far infrared panels and our Arduino controlled ventilation system.

It’s fair to say that occasionally Alexa stutters and you do see lag, the overarching experience is that of a very responsive home automation system.

Node-Red dashboard of home climate

Far Infrared panel

We are an all electric home with two HVAC zones four FIR panels, a smart car charger, smart hot water tank, sensors everywhere.

Zigbee devices on Hubitat 1

As much as possible every thing is internet agnostic, we can use Alexa to control what we want but there is always a dashboard or Zigbee button remote as a backup.

The aforementioned cat

3 year old rescue Calcio called Tippy

Nick @ Redbox

Christchurch based 20 years.

With over 15 years experience

in IT support. Supporting Office 365, SharePoint, PC’s, Tablets, Websites and data acquisition systems.

Energy Consumption


The Samsung SDC23 Soundbar: A Leap Forward in Smart Home Integration